lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

Velvet Red ft. Silver Dots

Hi, lacquered ladies! I know I said I would be posting two more nail arts last week but number one: time's just flying by lately, number two: finals are eating me alive!!! Seriously, and they enjoy it:( Aaaaand last, number three: my house's being painted so it's really been a pain in the butt.
But well, I did have this religious thing that turned out to be sooo tiring and (not because of the religious thing, but fo other reasons) turned out to be one of the worst nights of my live :( Sniff. But as I had to wear something for the day (night) so I decided to match it with my dress. I actually didn't have a dress until two hours before the event, but as soon as I bought it and took a look at my stash I knew I had the perfect color: Color Club Resort To Red. Oh.My.God. This color!!! It's just amazingly beautiful!!! And it matched perfectly my dress. But I couldn't wear it plain, so, since my dress was plain, I decided to add a few dots (I know, I'm a dot-addict) and I went for silver dots.
I decided to do a simple and quick nail art since I didn't have much time, but one that I adore. I first saw this on the Polish You Pretty blog here and I loved it!
And here's my attempt:

I used Color Club Resort To Red as my base color and Color Club What A Drag for the dots. I used a small and big dotting tool and when I was done I covered with one coat of  Color Club Matte-Ified.

I loved how this ended up looking and I loved how it looked with my dress. The only two good things about my night:')
I definetely enjoyed and I hope you liked it as much as I did, this week and until january I'll be doing christmas nail arts. My favorite time of the year! See you soon!

Love, Pam♥

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