miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013


Hey ya, lacquered puppies (puppies...?). I'm sooo glad to be back!! To be honest I was going through a phase, I was in finals, then on vacation and then I went through depression cause my nails were just not good enough for me and to make it worse my ring finger nail broke in a horrible way:( He's better now, and I'm back for good!:)
I decided to start the 31 Day Nail Art Challenge that Chalkboard Nails posted yesterday, but since it starts on monday I'll be posting old of my nail art pictures everyday (yes, everyday, I promise) while I get ready to bring it on these next 31 days!

Well, here's an oldie I did on April, I think and the funny thing is that nobody believed me I free handed the flowers! Everyone thought they were stickers and I was like, yeah, thank you, lol. Anyways I was real happy while wearing this mani and I got the original idea from the lovely Robin Moses except my base color was a bit more brown-ish or nude-ish than hers, here is her tutorial.

I used Color Club High Society as my base color and then using a dotting tool for the center of the flower. The white is Orly White Tips.

My nails are baby nails there! :3

There's no way I can explain how I did this without making it look all confunsing so I leave you Robin's video here (her art is 1000x more amazing and beautiful!).

Hope you liked this post and I promise I'll be back sooner rather than later;)

Love, Pam♥

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