lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

31DC2013 Day 15: Delicate Pattern

Heeeeey there glittery puppies! Happy Monday! As I promised I'm back, and I'm bringing you this time my "Delicate Print" design.
At first I wanted to re-create a beautiful french manicure chain design Julie Ventura uploaded a few weeks ago, but after a couple tries with different colors but I gave up and went to Pinterest for inpiration and found this image that seemed so pretty and "delicate" so I went for that.

Here's my "delicate print" design inspired by it (and with a different color combo).

The colors I used were Color Club Silver Lake as my base and Color Club Hydrangea Kiss for the details.
I feel in love the moment I grabbed Silver Lake cause it's such a pretty neutral color, perfect for a subtle base!

I painted my nails with two coats of Silver Lake and with my striper brush and Hydrangea Kiss I painted a couple stripes on my fingers and some more on my accent nails. Then with my small brush I painted the tiny petals, although I think if there wasn't for the stem they could 100% pass as hearts.

I feel really satisfied with this design, and more because my top coat didn't drag all the polish, which *spoiler* will have to do with the post for my next design :'( 

Anyways, I hope you liked this nail art as much as I liked wearing it! See you later this week, byeeeeee.

Love, Pam♥

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