martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013

31DC2013 Day 19: Galaxies

Hi glittery puppies!! Happy Tuesday! Sorry for the late-night post. I hope everyone's starting off this week with the right foot. I know I am so far! I have a tiny story about this nail art today. It was the most annoying thing ever!!! Almost every post I read said it was SO easy, only some small sponging and that was it! Super easy! Even my dog could do it! Then I read Chalkboard Nails 'post about it not being that easy and I was afraid. If it wasn't that easy for her it would be hell hard for me! So I followed her steps and even some colors aaaaand it was a failure. Lol, my first try was a joke. Then I re-painted my nails and decided to try the sponging before applying again and until the third try on a sheet of paper I felt satisfied. Then it was ime of the magic, and honestly I felt pretty happy with it!

Colors used: Base - Finger Paints Black Expressionism; Sponging - China Glaze White On White, Color Club Rev'd Up, China Glaze Deviantly Daring, Finger Paints Art Nouv-Yellow; Glitters - Color Club S'il Vous Plaît, LA Colors Sparkling Diamonds.

To create this look I painted one coat of Black Expressionism on all my nails, then with a piece of a make up sponge and tweezers I gently, and I say veeeery gently, dabbed White On White. Next color was Rev'd Up and with a new piece of sponge I dabbed over White On White without covering it completely, then I used Deviantly Daring covering almost completely the white spaces left and finally I sponged a bit of Art Nouv-Yellow to add more texture. To simulate the stars I painted one very thin coat of S'il Vous Plaît, then I painted one thicker coat of Sparkling Diamonds, without it being too chunky.

It was nice to do something I've never done before and actually like the -second- result, I think it looks like a galaxy to me but I don't know what you'd think! Haha, hope you liked this design. I'll see you very soon for my next nail art.

Love, Pam♥

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